Roxane's review paper entitled "Inflammasome activation in pollution-induced skin conditions" just got accepted in …
The second review article delivered by the CITYCARE project funded by the EU and entitled "…
Roxane is co-authoring an original research paper entitled "Ethosomes for Coenzyme Q10 Cutaneous Administration: From Design to 3D Skin Tissue Evaluation" and published in…
Benedetta (ESR1), Roxane (ESR2) and Irini (ESR3) have been accepted to participate to the ESTIV 2020…
Benedetta Petracca (ESR1) has participated to the SFC symposium which…
The first review article delivered by the CITYCARE project funded by the EU and entitled “Mimicking cigarette smoke exposure…
Roxane (ESR2) had the opportunity to attend the 10th workshop on 3D advanced in vitro models…
Benedetta Petracca (ESR1) and Roxane Prieux (ESR2) have participated to the…
Irini Dijkhoff (ESR3) has attended the satellite meeting of the 17th edition of the annual …